CEDAS, the Center for Data Science at the University of Bergen, and NORBIS, the Norwegian Research School in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, and Systems Biology, invite both starting and experienced data scientists to an exciting joint summer school on data science and its biomedical applications from 7-11 August 2023.
The summer school will be held in Bergen at Hotel Zander K. It is mainly intended for PhD candidates, but also Postdocs and other researchers interested in learning more about data science are welcome to attend. As data science is relevant across a wide range of disciplines, we hope that we will be able to attract a diverse group of participants.
The summer school will feature keynotes, theoretical and practical sessions on Machine Learning, Statistics, and Visual Data Science, as well as a social program. The concept of the summer school relies on all participants being able to take part for the entire duration of the event.
We offer a limited number of places. Shortly after registering your interest to participate, you will receive a message either confirming your participation, or letting you know that you are on the waiting list. Earlier registrations will be prioritized. We will aim for a fair representation of PhD candidates and more senior researchers, and ensure an equal distribution of slots among CEDAS and NORBIS members. Confirmed participation is free of charge (including one dinner), but the participation is binding.
We are looking forward to meeting you soon at the Joint CEDAS-NORBIS Summer School 2023!
The conference organizing committee,
Helwig Hauser, Pekka Parviainen, Susanna Röblitz, Yushu Li, Muhammad Ammar Malik, Natacha Galmiche, Dafni Skiadopoulou, Eirik Herfindal, Ragna Breines, Stefanie Meyer